Event Details
Are tickets required to attend?
Admission is FREE! All are welcome!
Is this a family friendly event?
100% YES! There are lots of activities for all ages to have fun and be entertained. Check out our activities page and tell your friends!
Can I bring my dog? He’s not old.
Well-mannered leashed dogs of all ages are welcome to join and we have splash pools, water stations, and seats in the shade to keep everyone cool and comfortable.
I don’t have a dog. Can I come?
Of course we welcome you, and you will get to meet many canine friends here! Many of our Old Dog Haven seniors will be available for belly rubs and pets.
Will there be sitting areas for me to take a break?
We have folding chairs and tables set up around the park for you to sit and take a break. Many of the setups will be in shady areas. Food trucks will be available throughout the day.